Week 23Objective: Students will learn they can trust God’s promises for their future because of fulfilled prophecy.
Key Thought: Look to the One who is already there. Lesson Summary: During this week’s lesson, we began a four-week series called “One Life: Living with the Future in Mind.” This series focuses on the teaching of God’s Word regarding future events. We began by looking into many of the Bible’s prophecies that were perfectly fulfilled throughout human history. Students learned that there were 333 biblical prophecies directly focusing on Jesus and that God’s Word is 100% accurate in all of its prophecies. As a result, we can trust that the same will hold true for the biblical prophecies yet to be fulfilled, including:
Students were reminded that when they feel anxious about their future, they have a Savior they can look to. He is the One who is already there and knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10). A great way to create the opportunity for a conversation about the future is by discussing some of the leading stories on the evening newscasts. The political and economic concerns, wars, natural disasters and other such events provide natural transitions into discussions on where you and your student can rest your hopes for the future. When we are anxious about our future, we can look to the One who is already there! Parent Challenge: We live in difficult and uncertain times. It is important that students understands God's promises about such times. Talk with your child about God's promise to never leave us nor forsake us. Also, consider listening to the podcast "It's Worth Considering." It follows the student Quiet Time devotional. It’s Worth Considering: A podcast that follows the Quiet-Time devotional (Wk 25). Series 23 |